

Luke was an unconventional and truly unique artist/designer. His diverse passions and unfettered originality informed every aspect of his art, life, fashion, style and process. He was an emerging artist, experimenting and trying to find his voice, with interest in ecology, entomology, psychology, cyberpunk, anime, brutalism, industrialism, urban theory, Los Angeles history, and Tokyo futurism which permeated his style and art.

He explored his vision through environments, repurposed assemblage art, character designs, illustrations, graphics and recycled fashion. Luke was in the midst of creating fascinating and intriguing alternate worlds and environments. AXEL, the main protagonist and Luke’s alter ego, a neo-cybernetic rebel appeared in many iterations of his graphic novel, and lives on through his legacy of work.


A Portrait of Axel

We shall recall your exuberance when troubled,

so to summon the courage to endure.

For the grief we are subjected to can only be remedied by your presence.

The solidarity of our woe

proves the permanent bonds of friendship.

If you look down upon us now,

we stand under the torch of your undying essence,

The light that has accompanied us thus far,

and shall continue to do so.

Some faces to recognize

and others to commit to memory

all of whom share their love

in beholding your radiance.

In blackest smokestacks,

and towering industrial complexes,

in a tangled culmination of chain link and wire,

a sullen evader traverses the grounds of progress.

He speaks an uncanny truth that I have followed for many years.

And now I must make my own way.

I can finally see beyond my present grief

I make my way to embody thy image.


The CyberPunk

A smile that welcomed

we are infatuated with what you could create

My shipmate, schoolmate

No need to devastate

We will skate again

Your artistry brought worlds to life

Our memories will be revived

You cared to imagine

We saw your passion

Self fabricated fashion

Hands and hugs of compassion

Here’s to another cigarette that we will share

We loved your dope neckwear

A spirit that is truly rare

Live on through Axel

but ascend from the dreadful landscape

See you on the astral plane

We will share another cigarette sometime




A foundation that embodies the uncompromising spirit, creativity, truth and love of Luke G. Meraz. We support struggling, emerging, young, urban, artists in LA



Founder of the Luke Meraz Memorial Fund

Environmental Designer

Professor, Art Center College of Design

James Meraz, Father of Luke Meraz, works and teaches in the field we call Environmental Design. This field represents a multi-faceted and emerging profession which encompasses and blurs the line between many design disciplines. James has a unique vision and understanding of this complex field. He brings rich academic and professional expertise to the departments he teaches in. Principle of Studio Meraz, Inc. - A multi-disciplinary design firm providing exhibit, furniture, product, interior, set, architectural design services.

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